Wisdom Teeth Extractions

It’s something we’ve all heard horror stories about and hoped would never apply to us, wisdom tooth extraction. Then it finally happened, your dentist spoke to you and informed you that you would be in need of having your wisdom teeth out. We know you’re a little nervous and maybe even a bit afraid of what’s to come, but we assure you there’s no reason to be. We’re going to let you know exactly what to expect, what questions you may want to ask your dentist, and how long you can expect to need to recover. Let’s start from the top…

Do I Really Need To Have My Wisdom Teeth Extracted?

In almost every case that your wisdom teeth need to come out, its due to a lack of room in the oral cavity. In other words, your mouth doesn’t have space for these teeth to come in. What usually happens when there is insufficient room for your wisdom teeth is they come in at an angle, applying pressure to your second molars. Dentists often suggest removing the wisdom teeth before they cause additional problems.

Why Is Wisdom Tooth Extraction Needed So Often?

It’s an interesting question, really. Why do we still have teeth that grow in that we don’t have space for? Many people will tell you this has to do with evolution, but that isn’t an accurate explanation in this case. The reason lay in a lack of certain nutrients that we simply don’t get enough of. Vitamin K2 is one such vitamin, the one that allows the jaw to develop by carrying calcium into the body where it can be incorporated by the bones. Organ meat used to be a fairly common staple in our diet, and that was a major source of K2 for us, unfortunately, as a result of factory farming and an unintended consequence of the drive for a low-fat diet, we don’t often get enough K2 in our diet for proper jaw development.

During The Consultation Ask Your Dentist These Questions

In preparation for your wisdom teeth being removed, you’ll have a consultation with your dental surgeon. During that meeting ask them if you’re going to need all of your wisdom teeth removed, and what options are available for anesthesia. You may also want to ask about possible complications, risks involved with the procedure, and what the results of leaving your wisdom teeth in will be. Finally, you’ll want to ask about the length of recovery, including how long your face will be puffy and how long it will take for your appearance to return to normal.

Taking in the above information and asking your dental professional about your recovery time will ensure that you are properly informed for the procedure. Modern techniques have come a long way in reducing the amount of discomfort you’ll feel after the procedure and recovery times are generally shorter than they were in years past. Wisdom teeth extraction may seem scary, but in the long run, it will ensure that you have a healthy, pain-free mouth.